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Indian Names For Boys

[Hinđū, Bauđđha, Sikh, Jain, ...]

A typical Indian tries to chose a great name for his/her kid. In the process s/he generally chooses a word which has a meaning in Hinđī (or some other Indian language). People even choose verbs, adjectives etc!

We have only included/listed those words which are mostly used to represent names only!!!

We have not included -

  • adjectives and verbs
  • common or proper nouns which generally indicate places or things such as 'Sameer' ('air') or 'Sāgar' ('sea').
  • long and difficult to pronounce names. If a person asks a kid her name and if she can't correctly pronouce her name, he may make fun of it.
  • those words which after naively transliterating gives different meaning e.g. Bharaŧ (भरत) is one good name but as भारत (India) is also generally transliterated as Bharaŧ and not as Bhāraŧ.

We also tried not to include -

  • very very common names, You don't need to read to settle for such names such as Ramesh, Suresh...
    I particularly don't like those names which ends in 'esh' (sadly my name do)
  • names with retroflex consonants (ण, ड़, ढ़). South-Asians can pronounce these consonants correctly but others can't. So I have not included : कुणाल (Kuṇāl), करण (Karaṇ), प्रणित (Praṇiŧ).
  • popular names of deities such as Rām, Kṛiṣhṇa, Viṣhṇu, Đurgạ
  • names which people generally relate to a religion! oh you might have wanted Hinđū, Bhauđđha names! We may compile additional lists for few religions in future.

Dropped so many names :-( .

But don't think that these are very rare names, we have not worked hard to compile this list, yet.

Still we don't promise anything; use any of these word at your own risk ;-) .

Oh one last thing - just don't copy above rules (that we wrote after so much of trials) and following names. Instead link to this page, or recommend it to your friends, will you!

नागरी Nīrajā-Latin
अनिक Anik
अश्विन Ashvin
आशू Āshū
ईशान Ishān, EEshān
ऋषभ Ṛiṣhabh
ऋतिक Ṛiŧik
कपिल Kapil
कुश Kush
कृष Kṛiṣh
खुशाल Khushāl
चित्रांश Chitrān'sh
जतिन Jaŧin
तनय Ŧanay
धीरु Đhiru
निशांत Nishān'ŧ
पल्लव Pallav
भानु Bhānu
मलय Malay
मिलिंद Milin'đ
मयंक Mayan'k
रोहित Rohiŧ
राजन Rājan
सुजान Sujān
हिमांशु Himān'shu

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Updated: Jan 24

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