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Spellings of ĐevaNāgarī (देवनागरी):

Correct Spellings: DevaNagari (ĐevaNāgarī) & DevNagari.

Incorrect Spellings: Devnagri, Deonagari, Devnagiri...

Some people argue that 'Devnagari' is incorrect spelling! It is not.

I thought of the following reason!

'' (va) is not a pure consonant but a semi-vowel! Its pronunciation is in between vowel '' (u) and vowel '' (a). So adding a vowel '' (represented by 'a') is not desperately required after 'v'. Also, in Indian languages, there is a phenomenon called 'schwa deletion' (अ-मात्रा लोप).

Moreover, how can a spelling (i.e. Devnagari) that is used by a lot of people be called incorrect?

But scholars prefer the spelling - 'Devanagari'.

If you ask me which spelling should be preferred, whether 'Devnagari' or 'Devanagari'; my answer will be 'ĐevaNāgarī'. I write 'ĐevaNāgarī' instead of 'Đevanāgari' to emphasize that 'Nāgarī' is the important part of the word!

We should use 'Nāgarī' instead of 'ĐevaNāgarī' when we refer to it many times, i.e., as a short form.

ĐevaNāgarī is the spelling as per our newer transliteration scheme called 'Nīrajā-Latin'.

Alternative Transliterated Spellings

'Devanaagaree' is a better spelling as per commonly followed rules of transliteration.

As per our case-sensitive transliteration scheme called _naagaree-128, you will write '_devanaagaree' as 'd' stands for '' while 'D' stands for ''. This case-sensitive transliteration scheme is mostly used by us for naming 'files' and 'folders' so that even older [file] systems will not have any problem.

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Updated: Oct 23

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